We delivered a very successful Vaccination clinic on Saturday 16th October, during which we vaccinated approximately 800 of our patients with both Pfizer (Comirnaty) booster and flu vaccine.
We are continuing to invite patients according to JCVI priority groups, aiming initially to provide vaccination for patients >70 years and Clinically Extremely Vulnerable groups who have had their second COVID vaccination over 6 months ago. Beyond this, we will invite in age descending order, and those who are in other 'at risk' groups. Further information on the Booster campaign can be found in this section of our website.
We have scheduled 2 clinics in November:
The next clinic will be on Thursday 4th November, at Knock Presbyterian Church. For this clinic we will send a text message (from week commencing 25th October) inviting you to book either online or by phoning the Practice after 4pm. This will be open initially to any patient >70 who has not yet received the booster vaccine, as well as those with conditions such as severe immunosuppression. We have a specific number of vaccines which need to be used on this date, and for this reason you must book upon receipt of your invitation. If you are unable to come for any reason, we would ask you to cancel your appointment in advance. Please only book into this clinic if you have had your second Covid vaccination before 4th May 2021.
There will also be a clinic on Saturday 13th November. You will receive an invitation the week before the clinic according to the number of vaccinations available. Most patients in their 60s were vaccinated through the Trust. This means that it is not easy for us to search accurately for the date of your second dose and we will rely on you checking that your second dose was given before 13th May 2021 in order to be eligible.
As always, please attend wearing a mask and short sleeves if possible. Do not attend if you have symptoms of COVID-19. You will need to remain in the church for a period of 15 minutes observation after vaccination.