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GP Surgeries across Northern Ireland have optimised their systems following the COVID-19 pandemic, working hard to meet unprecedented demand for our services.

Accessing Medical advice


We ask that you phone from 830am to ensure access to a 'same day' appointment.  A member of our administrative team will ask for some detail so the Clinical staff can prioritise your query. There are also a small number of online appointments released on a daily basis which will add you to the list for a callback. 
Please ensure your contact details are correct and that you are available to answer the phone throughout the day.  

In response to patient feedback, we now run pre-bookable surgeries in the afternoons. These are available to book 2 weeks in advance as either a telephone call or a 10 minute face to face appointment. ​ This service impacts on our 'same day' availability and we can therefore only manage urgent queries in the afternoon which cannot safely be dealt with on a subsequent day. In this case you will be asked to phone back the following morning. 

Your co-operation and patience is greatly appreciated. 

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Telephone Appointments

For 'same day' appointments, you will receive an initial telephone consultation with one of our Clinicians.


Our GPs will work in conjunction with you to manage your clinical query.  It may be satisfactorily resolved by telephone consultation, or you may be requested to attend the Practice for a 'face to face' appointment, or Treatment room as appropriate. 

Blood Samples

Treatment Room

Our Treatment Room is available on an appointment only basis for phlebotomy (bloods), dressings, and injections.


Please phone reception between 1500- 1700 for results. 

We do not offer ear syringing.  A number of local independent providers provide a microsuction service. 


Coronavirus Advice

COVID-19 remains prevalent in the Community.  If required, we can carry out clinical assessment in an 'isolation room' with a separate entrance to the building in order to minimise transmission to other patients. 

Our mask policy has been relaxed. If you prefer your Clinician to wear a mask, please indicate to the Reception team upon arrival. We encourage Clinically vulnerable patients attending the Practice to consider masks, or if they have infective symptoms. 

Text Messaging service

We are currently using software called accuRx Desktop to help optimise how we deliver care to our patients. 

AccuRx allows us to: send text messages to patients; receive photo and text responses and provide quick medical surveys.

They have provided a useful support page for patients that explains how the system works and provides simple "How to..." walk throughs.

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